Account Panel

Terms of Service

The following are the server rules will result in the appropriate punishment, which may or may not include a permanent ban.

Rule 1: Do not destroy Server reputation by Harrassment, Racism and Spreading False Rumors

  • Harassment includes any and all actions that are intended to destroy a players enjoyment of the server.
  • Insulting, racism, sexism, discrimination, excessive swearing or any other offending comments can result in punishment.
  • A player must not destroy Server reputation by spreading false rumors that will cause the players frust and quit
  • Show respect to everyone in the community and keep the community healthy
  • Do not grief other players. This applies to PvM, PvP and social interactions.

Rule 2: Real Money in exchange of any in-game currency/items is strictly not allowed.

  • Do not talk about Real Money Trading.
  • Do not joke about Real Money Trading.
  • Do not discuss about Real Money Trading.
  • Do not post or offer Real Money Trading.

Rule 3: Do not advertise other servers.

  • Talking about official servers is allowed, but actively promoting them is not.
  • Do not discuss or engage in a conversation about other private servers in public or personal in game or discord.

Rule 4: Gambling strictly prohibited in our server.

  • Any type of Gambling

Rule 5: Do not exploit bugs.

  • Report immediately to any GMs in discord or #bug-reports
  • Do not abuse any known bugs while PvPing, abusing a bug or finding out about a bug and not reporting it will not be tolerated and will result in severe punishment.
  • Do not obstruct skills on other players or NPC. (Especially Ice wall)

Rule 6: Do not impersonate any of GMs, Guild or players.

  • By using a name that is the same as GMs or other players. Remember that the management does not play and whoever uses some of GMs or other players name for fraud purposes will be Permanently Banned

Rule 7: Do not Disrespecting the Staff Team.

  • Management are doing the best result for all Players in the server and cater all your concerns.

Rule 8: Using third-party and macro software is strictly prohibited.

  • NDLs, AFK Farming Tools, Bots, auto-pots etc
  • If you notice another player using third-party tools, please report it immediately to an online GM in game or on Discord.
  • Do not modify any of your game files. Any modifications that gives you an unfair advantage is not allowed.

Rule 9: Hacking and Scamming another player would not be tolerated. Player must do is

  • Never, ever give out your account information to any other players or Staff Team
  • Any players asking for your account information, report immediately to GMs
  • Always protect your own account using whatever server provide for your Account Security
  • Always double check before you trade or sell item to anyone
  • The items lost you will not able to retrieve, Sharing of account or items is done at your own risk and responsibility.
  • Lending of items or zeny to other players is done at your own risk.

Rule 10: Others

  • Do not advertise or share non-acceptable content.
  • Do not join the battlegrounds with the intention to do nothing.
  • MVP hunting is free for all. Please use "autoloot system" if you don't want your items to be taken by others.
  • Do not obstruct skills on other players or NPC. (Especially Ice wall and apply for all skill or any type which is giving unfair to other players.