Account Panel

Hi Players! Having trouble picking a server? We invite you to play DarkRO:Rebirth. Well here's an informative introduction into the DarkRO:Rebirth! This server encourages a friendly and lively community. Players are expected to be vocal while still abiding by the server's rules. DarkRO:Rebirth is an evolving server - meaning that we are not limited to what we are featuring right now, it's a guarantee that we will have more fruitful updates in the future. We would love to see you in game, inquiries and the likes will be entertained by our GM's.

Server Type Pre-Renewal with Renewal UI
Modified PK Server
Unfrost Server
Episode 13.2 Encounter With the Unknown
Available Classes 2-2 Transcendent with Starwars classes
Max Level 255/100
Max Stats 255
Max ASPD 196
Instant Cast 150 DEX
Max Storage Capacity 800
Max Party Members 20
Max Character Slot 15
Max Guild Capacity 76 (16 + 6 × Guild Expansion Level)
Max WoE & KoE Capacity TBD
EXP/Drop Rates
Base Experience Rates 8000 ×
Job Experience Rates 8000 ×
Drop Rates 1000 ×
Normal Card Drop 10.00%
Boss/MvP Card Drop 5.00%
Rare Boss/MvP Card Drop 1.00%
Other Information
Anti-Hack System Adelay System
Gepard Shield 3.0
DDoS Protection and Mitigation
Data Center Tokyo, Japan (Asia)
Proxy Server On various selected countries
Timezone GMT+8
Platfrom PC ONLY
Multi-Clients Enabled
Main Language English
Custom NPC
Job Changer Warper Platinum Skill Boradcaster Emperium tester Gold Room PvP Shop Credit Quest Exchange Box Trader Stylist MVP Arena and many more WoE, PvP
Note: Some of the NPC listed here may not be implemented yet, however it might be implemented in the future. Things might also be remove instead.
Other Features
Token Quest Break the Seal Custom Weapons, Headgear, Equipment and Wings Tier System Enchantment System Upgrade System Attendance System Hourly Rewards Battlegrounds Custom Quests World Boss System PvP, WoE, and KoE Point System VIP System Automated Events Anti-Bot & Cheat System Mining System Logging System Planting System Cards Collection System Multiple Instances Costume System Custom Events HD Texture Pack 700 Clothes Dyes (by kamishi)
Note: Some of the features listed here may not be implemented yet, however it might be implemented in the future. Things might also be remove instead.
In-Game Commands
General Commands
@alootid @autoloot @autoloottype @me @request @time @whodrops @iteminfo (@ii) @mobinfo (@mi) @whereis @autotrade (@at) @marketzone @pvpzone
Benchmark & Testing Commands
@refresh @showdelay @showexp @showcast @showdelay2
Special Client Commands
@lgp @aoes @circle @square !ping !vsync